Scar Revision at a Glance
Sessions Needed:
1 to 2
3 to 7 days
Initial Results Seen In
7 to 10 days
Results Duration
Skin Revision Treatments
Scars Can Be Gone for Good
Scars don’t have to stay with you forever. With several options for scar removal in Oklahoma City, at Bliss Medical Spa, you can restore your skin’s natural texture and pigment. Quick, efficient procedures and minimal downtimes can improve the appearance of scar tissue and boost your confidence in your skin once again.
By talking with your provider, we can determine the best treatment method based on the type of scarring you have.
About Scar Revision Treatments
What It Treats
Scar tissue
Benefits of Scar Revision
Even if your scar has been with you for a while, our treatments don’t have to take long. You can drop in for your appointment and get back to your day with ease, all with little downtime.
Once your scar is gone, it’s gone for good. The results of scar removal in Oklahoma City are permanent! Your skin can look smoother and healthier for years to come.
Scars come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and types. We have multiple ways to approach scar revision, meaning we can fine-tune your treatment to be as effective as possible.
What to Expect
The Scar Revision Process
When you come in for a consultation, you will be greeted by our welcoming staff and then taken into your consultation room. There, your medical expert will talk with you about your concerns and goals for your treatment journey. We’ll take a look at the scar(s) you’d like to have removed and determine the right approach for restoring your skin.
Each approach will have its own treatment method and details, which we will discuss thoroughly during your consultation. Depending on the type of scar you have, we may choose IPL, subcision, filler, CO2, surgical excision, intralesional steroid injection, or a combination of treatments. We want you to be comfortable from start to finish, so our experts will be sure to minimize any pain or discomfort that may come with your treatment.
Results of scar removal can be seen in just 7 to 10 days! Depending on the extent of your scarring, you may require multiple sessions to see your best results. However, once your scar is gone and your skin has healed, you’ll never have to see it again. The results of treatment are permanent!
The Science Behind Scar Removal
Each type of scar—fine-line, keloid, hypertrophic, or sunken—requires a unique approach. Whereas IPL treatment will target the pigment of the scar and use light energy to restore your skin’s natural appearance, intralesional steroid injections break up the scar tissue beneath the skin and allow for better healing. We’ll inspect the type of scarring you have to determine the right approach for scar removal in Oklahoma City.

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Look Better, Feel Better
No matter where you’re at in your aesthetics journey, there’s a place for you at Bliss Medical Spa. Our team is dedicated to our craft, our service, and, most of all, helping you be the best version of yourself based on your personal goals. At Bliss, we keep it real. So whether you’re looking for preventative care or robust rejuvenation, we’ve got the tools and treatments you need.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Scar Removal
We may choose to use IPL, subcision, filler, CO2, surgical excision, intralesional steroid injection, or a combination of treatments. Our knowledgeable experts will take a look at your areas of concern and suggest the best approach for your scar removal in Oklahoma City.
You may experience some side effects for 3 to 7 days following your procedure, including bruising, scabbing, and light bleeding. However, side effects should be minimal, and your provider can offer more individualized advice depending on your scar’s condition.
Results should be visible 7 to 10 days after your procedure is complete! Your skin will need time to heal and repair itself properly, but once the scar has faded, it won’t return.