HRT in Edmond

Hormone Therapy

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A Quick Look at HRT

Sessions Needed:

2 to 4 per year


5 to 7 days

Initial Results Seen In

2 weeks

Results Duration

Can range from 3 to 6 months

Hormone Therapy Treatments

Complete Wellness and Balance

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Hormones play a vital role in your day-to-day well-being, and it’s important to get them at the right levels—you’ll feel it when they’re not. If you’ve noticed unexplained changes in your energy, physical health, weight, libido, or all of the above, unbalanced hormones may be to blame.

At Bliss Medical Spa, we can help you restore your hormonal balance and improve your health. We offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Edmond using bioidentical hormones for simple, natural treatment.

About Hormone Therapy Treatments

What It Treats

Sexual health

Skin and hair health


Weight gain


Low libido

Benefits of HRT at Bliss


Hormone replacement therapy may sound complicated, but at Bliss Medical Spa, we make it a simple process! By testing your hormones and identifying which ones are out of balance, we can tailor your treatment to meet your exact needs.


At Bliss, we use bioidentical hormones, which mimic your body’s natural hormones for seamless absorption and effective results. By balancing your hormones, we can help improve symptoms like low libido, fatigue, weight loss, and more!


Every patient who comes to Bliss for HRT is different; we will pay attention to your unique needs and hormone levels, and we can fine-tune treatment to help maximize your results.

What to Expect

The Hormone Therapy Process

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    When you arrive at Bliss Medical Spa, our welcoming staff will greet you and lead you to a consultation room to speak with your provider privately. We will talk to you about your concerns, goals, and how HRT in Edmond can benefit you. This collaborative approach allows us to develop a plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.

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    We will customize your treatment to fit your needs, and it may include the insertion of a hormone pellet. To do so, we will numb the area and make a small incision, usually near your hip. We will insert the small pellet under your skin to be absorbed over the next several months.

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    You may notice improvements starting about 2 weeks after your appointment, and these effects will last for the next 3 to 6 months. We will schedule your next appointment within that time frame so you can enjoy continuous benefits. Following HRT in Edmond, some patients may experience light bleeding, bruising, swelling, and tenderness around the incision sites, but these should resolve within 5 to 7 days.

The Science Behind HRT

Your hormones can become unbalanced as a result of aging, menopause, and other causes. At Bliss Medical Spa, we will test your hormone levels, identify where your hormones might be off, and use bioidentical hormones to help restore your body’s balance. By visiting us regularly several times a year, you can maintain healthy hormone levels and get unwanted symptoms under control.

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No matter where you’re at in your aesthetics journey, there’s a place for you at Bliss Medical Spa. Our team is dedicated to our craft, our service, and, most of all, helping you be the best version of yourself based on your personal goals. At Bliss, we keep it real. So whether you’re looking for preventative care or robust rejuvenation, we’ve got the tools and treatments you need.

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Frequently Asked Questions About HRT